About Us
Karuri Water and Sanitation Company was established under the Company’s Act Cap 486 of the Companies Act in line with the water sector reforms as envisaged in the Water Act 2002. The Company was an agent of the Athi Water Services Board under whose jurisdiction it has appointed the company to carry out water supply and maintenance on its behalf as per the current Service Provision Agreement. After the promulgation of the Constitution 2010, water provision was devolved to the Counties. The Company is wholly owned by the County Government of Kiambu with the mandate of offering water and sanitation services on behalf of the County Government. The County Government plays the oversight role and gives the Company yearly targets in the various service levels. This is done through the signing of annual performance contracts between the County Government and the Company.Â

year of Experience
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The Company service area covers the whole of the Kiambaa constituency with a population of approximately 174,057 and a coverage of about 53%. The Company area of jurisdiction covers five administrative wards namely Karuri, Cianda, Muchatha, Ndenderu, and Kihara. The Company sources its water from boreholes and bulk water purchases from Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company’s transmission mains from Sasumua dam. The Company is operating 9 boreholes and 9 offtakes from the Sasumua transmission line.

We have about 6,357 active connections compared to less than 100 when the company started operations in 2008. This growth is attributed to the rehabilitation and taking over management of community water projects, the County’s support in infrastructure development in new water sources, and the extension of the distribution network.

The Company is regulated by the Water Services Regulatory Authority in collaboration with the County Government of Kiambu whose mandate is to ensure water provision is made affordable by setting and approval of tariffs. Our tariffs are reviewed after every 2 to 3 years. WASREB is also mandated to ensure the Company is operating within the Governance guidelines.

Vision & Mission
The Company has a board of Directors who are competitively selected by the County Government from the identified stakeholder groups as stipulated in the Company’s articles and memorandum of association. The current Board is constituted as follows;
- The board is mandated to give policy directions to the management for implementation and ensure the Company progressively works towards achieving its mandate of water and sanitation provision.
- The Board is also responsible for approving the Company’s annual budgets and ensuring that they are adhered to.
Customer Commitment
- John Karioki – Team Leader
- Esther Njeri – Commercial Manager in charge of ensuring that all the water produced is sold and paid for.
- James Muiruri – Technical Manager in charge of infrastructure development and maintenance of the existing infrastructure. He also ensures that all the production sources are operating at the optimum and water is distributed in an equitable manner,
- Cyrus Maina – Senior Account in charge of the Finance Department. He is mandated to ensure expenditures are within the approved budget.
- Micheal Rimui – Ag. Procurement Officer in charge of the procurement of services and goods for the Company. He is also mandated to ensure that the Company complies with the approved annual procurement plans.
The Company has 32 employees distributed among the existing departments.

The Company has 9 departments carrying out various functions aimed at achieving the Company’s overall objectives. The departments are;