Chairman’s Statement
Chairman’s Statement
Karuri Water & Sanitation Company is a limited liability Company, which was registered in 2007 and started its operations in June 2008 as a Company fully owned by the defunct Karuri Town Council. After devolution came into effect, the Company is now fully owned by the County Government of Kiambu. The County plays the oversight role to ensure that the County’s mandate on the delivery of services of Water & Sanitation is met and exceeded as envisioned by H.E. the Governor of Kiambu County.
The Company is regulated by the Water Services Regulatory Board which is a national agency that among other things is mandated to issue operation licenses to water utilities. The Regulator also plays a critical role in consumer protection by approving the tariff for both Water and Sanitation services. The Company’s area of Jurisdiction as licensed by the regulator is the whole of the Kiambaa constituency which consists of five wards namely; Kihara, Ndenderu, Muchatha, Karuri, and Cianda.
The role of the Board is to oversight management in ensuring effective and efficient service delivery. Having been appointed by the shareholder who is the County, the Board through policy formulation, approval of annual budgets, approval of annual procurement plans, and monitoring management’s performance ensures that the Company vision and mission are aligned with the County’s manifesto in water and sanitation service provision.
Managing Director Statement
The Company started its operations with one borehole in Banana which was being operated by the town council then. The number of active accounts was 70 connections.
Over the years, and with the assistance of the Council then, the County Government, the National Government through state agencies like AWWDA, WSTF, and WASREB, the company has been able to grow its customer base to the current over 10,000 connections. This was achieved by the rehabilitation of stalled Community water projects which were scattered within the constituency, development of new sources, and extension/rehabilitation of the distribution networks.
The Company has continued to engage our development partners in sourcing for more water to meet the ever-growing demand. Through the development partners, the company is set to benefit from its first-ever sewer disposal system. The initial project will cover parts of Ruaka and Muchatha. Progressively with the availability of resources, the Company intends to increase sewer coverage to cover the whole of Kiamba Constituency.
Lead by the County’s Department of Water, the Company in collaboration with partners, is very keen on water conservation through the growing of trees in the catchment areas to ensure sustainable water flow to our sources.