Connection to Sewage Services

Bill and Bill’s distribution
We pledge to provide an accurate billing system through an internationally recognized and secure billing process that complies with the best practice billing and bill distribution principles. This will include:
- Monthly meter readings
- Requesting customers to allow Karuri Water staff access to all meters at all times for meter readings and maintenance
- Timely billing cycle that runs from 1st day to 20th day of each month
- Bills shall be posted or delivered to customers within two days after production.
- Making our tariffs easy to understand and providing the detail(s) needed
- Working with the customer to correct any problem, and taking action for any billing problem.
- Allowing the customer to lodge any complaints regarding errors on their bills to the Karuri Water offices within three months, after which the complaint shall not be valid.
- Complaints on erroneous bills shall be acted upon within 24 hours. However, in special instances, this period may vary depending on the nature of the investigations required, in which case, the customer will be regularly updated on the progress made.
Payment for services
We will make it easier for our customers to make payments by:
- Sending bills with a notification indicating the customer’s position of indebtedness
- Reminding customers to settle their bills through media announcements
- Providing a range of payment options; which will include cash and cheques.
- Requesting customers to accompany payments with the latest bill to provide details of accounts.
- Giving 14 days’ notice on the monthly bill to disconnect customers who are in arrears.
- Billing on the actual consumption after cut off after which no billing will be done.
- Allowing customers to request in writing to transfer any credit balance on one account to offset a debit balance of another account under the same customer name.
- Allowing a customer to have access to his/her detailed statement of account at all times during office hours
- Karuri Water expects all its services to be paid for and advises both its current and potential customers to refrain from the act of:
- Consuming water illegally
- Tampering with the Karuri Water water meters
- Water meter bypass
- These acts may lead to heavy fines and/or imprisonment as prescribed by the law.

![]() |
M-pesa Paybill 544500 Account No. 340________ (Customer 9 Digit Account No.) |
![]() Ruaka Branch Account No. 1740268303022 |
![]() Ruaka Branch Account No. 01109410730000 (All cheques are deposited to this Account.) |
![]() Banana Branch Account No. 051000010288 |
![]() Banana Branch Account No.0744130000108 |
USSD CODE *869*22# |
All our Bank Accounts bear the name: Karuri Water and Sanitation Co. Ltd
Disconnection & Reconnection

Water Disconnection
Our customer policy aims at discouraging the disconnection of our services, but rather using all available means that allow the customer to pay. These include sending reminders through:
- Electronic and print media campaigns encouraging prompt payment of bills
- Bills posted to be accompanied by a caution to pay
- 10 clear days are given to the customer within which he/she should have paid the bill.
- Once in a while carry out physical visits to encourage customers to pay
- Confirm that the customers have not paid before issuing the disconnection orders.
- Effect disconnection as the very last resort
- During disconnection, if a customer produces proof of payment such as receipts, affects the re-connection of service.
- The first disconnection is to be effected through a rubber seal.
- Failure to pay within one month, in a disconnection from the main to be effected.
Water Reconnection
Reconnection will be carried out after:
- Full payment of the amount due
- Part payment and, signing of agreement/promissory note to pay the balance by installment.
- Payment of reconnection fee as per our tariffs
- All paid-up customers will be reconnected within 24 hours.

Customer complaints
We value customer complaints and we consider them as feedback/suggestions for improvement. Our policy on handling customer complaints is geared towards:
- Answering all telephone calls politely
- Directing the customer to the relevant officers or office politely
- Responding to technical and non-technical complaints within 24 hours
- Advising the customer of what action we will take to right the wrong
- Advising the customer on what part he/she can play to assist in resolving the problem.
- Providing feedback to all customer queries on the issues addressed verbally or in writing
- Treating the customer’s personal information in the strictest confidence. In particular, we will not give any information supplied to us to any organization without the customer’s consent or unless we are required by the law to do so;
- Enabling customers to examine and authorize changes to all their personal information to update the customer database;
- Discussing details of customer service only with themselves or their authorized representative/s.
How to Lodge a Complaint
Customers are encouraged to forward complaints, suggestions, and compliments to the under-mentioned, either in person, by post, telephone, whatsapp, or by e-mail. A complaints/suggestion box is maintained at the cash office and receipt will be acknowledged within fifteen days. While complaints will be treated in confidence, complainants are encouraged to identify themselves to lend credence to their complaints.
Customer Responsibilities
To facilitate the provision of the above services in a sustainable manner, the customer shall also be expected to do the following:
- Treat the Karuri Water staff with courtesy
- Pay for bills invoiced promptly.
- Avail of all information requested by Karuri Water for the execution of service.
- Facilitate access to meters for proper readings, maintenance, and inspection of the supply line.
- Abide with the legal requirements and desist from acts of illegal usage of water.
- Raise complaints promptly and within the valid period.
- Avoid collisions and compromises that would lead to defrauding the organization.
- Report any pipe leaks/bursts, sewer blockages, missing manhole covers, etc promptly to the company.
- Avoid construction of permanent structures on water and sewer service lines.
- Report to Karuri Water all matters that they deem to hurt service provision especially any illegal practices observed in their area. Karuri Water shall treat the reports with utmost confidence.